If you have a reference to the driver in the PATH variable, you can omit the configuration line. You should then read Getting started with ChromeDriver on Desktop, in particular the sample code which shows how you map the path to the executable and instantiate ChromeDriver. Source: install and set path to chromedriver on mac or linux $ echo 'export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin' > $HOME/.bash_profile This can be installed via Homebrew with brew install chromedriver, or manually by downloading, extracting, moving and setting the PATH as follows: $ cd $HOME/Downloads If you want to use Selenium WebDriver with Chrome, first download ChromeDriver – WebDriver for Chrome.
#14:38:20.685 INFO - Launching a standalone Selenium Server on port 4444 #=> Successfully started `chromedriver` (label:) I think that the easy way for running mac osx, chrome and selenium together is like this on mac os terminal: # download selenium jarĬurl -L0 -o selenium-server-standalone.jar Can someone guide me through the process of installing the extension and running selenium on Mac chrome. Recently got a mac and was able to run Mozilla without any issues but having trouble installing chrome extensions and running it for selenium.